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Career Pathways
Opportunity Zones
Talent Discovery
Showing 56 datasets
Employment Data from Census by Geography
talent-discovery economic-self-sufficiencyby U.S. CENSUS BUREAU
Data on Industry and Occupation, Employers (public and private), Commuting, Labor Force Statistics, Work from Home, and more.
CyberSeek provides detailed, actionable data about supply and demand in the cybersecurity job market.
National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics
Data on R&D, the STEM workforce, the condition of STEM education, and US competitiveness in science, engineering, technology, and R&D. Statistical data available as preformatted interactive tables, data tools to generate your own tables, and microdata files.
Apprenticeship Finder
career-pathwaysby U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR
Search for available apprenticeships in a variety of fields around the country.
TIGER Line Roads Data
opportunity-zones career-pathways entrepreneurship talent-discovery helping-tribal-state-and-local-governments-with-local-address-data-collectionby U.S. CENSUS BUREAU
Data on roads covering the entire United States.
U.S. Cluster Mapping Tool
rural-development talent-discoveryby U.S. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION
Provides over 50 million open data records on industry clusters and regional business environments in the U.S. to promote economic growth and national competitiveness
Manufacturing USA Institutes
entrepreneurshipby MANUFACTURING USA
Summaries of all the institutes, filterable by type of technology and location. Manufacturing USA is a national network of linked manufacturing institutes with unique technological concentrations.
Fair-Market Rent Data
economic-self-sufficiency opportunity-zonesby U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT
Rent estimates at the 50th percentile (or median) are calculated for all Fair Market Rent areas
Federal Laboratory Consortium (FLC) Data
A one-stop shop for U.S. laboratory information (laboratories, available technologies, funding, programs, facilities and more).
American Community Survey APIs
opportunity-zones rural-developmentby U.S. CENSUS BUREAU
Resources for demographic information at the Census tract level.
Quarterly Workforce Indicators
talent-discoveryby U.S. CENSUS BUREAU
Metro area/state/WIA-level data on firms, industries and workers.
O*NET Web Services
career-pathwaysby U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR
API for O*NET characteristics and requirements for 974 occupations, with tools including O*NET's occupation keyword search.
USA Trade Data
opportunity-zonesby U.S. CENSUS BUREAU
Monthly data that is very detailed geographically.
Housing Assistance Data
opportunity-zones talent-discovery career-pathways entrepreneurshipby FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY
Data on the FEMA Housing Assistance Program, including number of applicants, county, zip code, severity of damage, owner or renter.
Location of Energy Infrastructure
opportunity-zones rural-developmentby U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY
Includes data on energy infrastructure including power lines, power plants, coal mines, etc.
Atlas of Rural and Small-Town America
rural-development opportunity-zonesby U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE
County-level data on county type, remoteness, amenities, and other socioeconomic characteristics.
Inventor and Entrepreneur Resources
Resources about protecting intellectual property, including listings for pro bono attorney representation.
TechLink: DoD and VA Inventions
entrepreneurshipby TECHLINK
Over 5,000 DoD and VA inventions available in virtually all technology fields, searchable by keyword.
American Community Survey Demographic Data
opportunity-zones rural-development helping-families-businesses-and-communities-respond-to-covid-19by U.S. CENSUS BUREAU
Tract-level data on household characteristics; industry and occupation, broken out by demographic characteristics of workers.
HUD Enterprise GIS
opportunity-zones economic-self-sufficiencyby U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT
Web services for data including HUD, USDA, and Census.
American Community Survey - Population Data
disaster-preparedness opportunity-zonesby U.S. CENSUS BUREAU
The American Community Survey is the premier source for detailed population and housing information about the U.S.
College Scorecard
career-pathwaysby U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION
Data on U.S. colleges, including their costs and outcomes (student earnings, loan debt), admissions, programs, and more.
Non-Employer Statistics
opportunity-zones talent-discovery career-pathways entrepreneurshipby U.S. CENSUS BUREAU
Annual data on self-employed persons (including no. of firms, revenue) at the state, county, and metro area levels by select industries.
Survey of Business Owners (SBO)
talent-discoveryby U.S. CENSUS BUREAU
A survey of business owners that includes the race and ethnicity of business owners (note: this data is from 2012)
National Institutes of Health Awards
Data on National Institutes of Health awards.
Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program Data
Data on companies that have won SBIR awards and on the awards themselves, includes titles and abstracts for the invention, and geographic and demographic info for the winners. The SBIR program helps technology companies further develop inventions, and bring them to market.
List of Federal Efforts Supporting Entrepreneurship
Federal organizations, programs, policies, and statistics focused on entrepreneurship.
Zip Code Business Patterns
opportunity-zonesby U.S. CENSUS BUREAU
Annual statistics on US businesses at ZIP Code level. Includes number of establishments, employment, first quarter payroll, and annual payroll. (Tip: this data only covers employer businesses with 1 or more paid employees, and does not cover self employed people, which affects its use for capturing start-ups.)
Food Access Research Atlas
opportunity-zonesby U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE
Census tract-level data on food access and supermarket accessibility.
career-pathwaysby U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR
Offers a wide range of career, employment, and education data as Web API Services.
TIGER Line Address Range-Feature
opportunity-zones talent-discovery career-pathways entrepreneurship helping-tribal-state-and-local-governments-with-local-address-data-collectionby U.S. CENSUS BUREAU
The TIGER/Line Shapefiles contain potential address ranges for city-style addresses.
Treasury ZIP Code Statistics of Income
economic-self-sufficiency opportunity-zonesby INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE
ZIP Code data on selected income and tax statistics by State, ZIP Code, and size of adjusted gross income. Can be mapped to census tracts
National Science Foundation Awards
Data on National Science Foundation awards.
Occupational Employment Statistics
talent-discoveryby U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR
Employment and wage estimates by occupation based on a survey of business establishments. Data are available for all industries combined for the nation; states, the District of Columbia, and selected U.S. territories; and metropolitan and nonmetropolitan areas. National data by industry or by public/private sector ownership are also available.
Regional Innovation Strategies (RIS) Program
talent-discovery entrepreneurshipby U.S. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION
Annual awards data since 2014 for The i6 Chllange and Seed Fund Support Competitions. The grants help to create and expand high-growth entrepreneurship and increase access to capital in regions across the country.
Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Qualified Census Tracts
economic-self-sufficiency opportunity-zonesby U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT
These tracts must have 50% of households with incomes below 60% of the Area Median Gross Income or have a poverty rate of 25% or more
Small Business Administration Datasets
Includes data on Regional Innovation Clusters, state licenses and permits, Procurement Technical Assistance Centers, and more.
Economic Census Data
talent-discoveryby U.S. CENSUS BUREAU
Latest Economic Census data by place.
County Business Patterns
opportunity-zones talent-discovery career-pathways entrepreneurship economic-self-sufficiencyby U.S. CENSUS BUREAU
Annual data on employer businesses (e.g., no. of businesses, employment, payroll) at the state, county, metro area, and ZIP Code levels by industry.
Lab Partnering Service (LPS)
entrepreneurshipby U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY
Includes APIs for data on energy experts at DOE R&D labs, Department of Energy (DOE) funded facilities and labs, patentss and applications specefic to DOE labs and their IP.
Annual Survey of Entrepreneurs
talent-discoveryby U.S. CENSUS BUREAU
A survey of entrepreneurs that is more current than the Survey of Business Owners (SBO), but only available at state level.
Stats America
Data items for any state, metro, micro, district or county in the nation, including Opportunity Zones, detailed demographic information, innovation capacity etc
Open Energy Information
rural-development entrepreneurshipby U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY
Open energy datasets coming from the US Department of Energy and its national laboratories
Monthly Industry Indicators
rural-development entrepreneurshipby U.S. CENSUS BUREAU
Monthly indicators including manufacturing shipments and inventory, construction spending, retail inventories, rental vacany rates, etc.
Census Business Builder
entrepreneurshipby U.S. CENSUS BUREAU
Selected demographic and economic data targeted for regional analysis and small business owners. Includes building permits data that is not in the Census API yet.
Individual Assistance Data
opportunity-zones talent-discovery career-pathways entrepreneurshipby FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY
Individual Assistance (IA) is provided by FEMA to individuals and families who have sustained losses due to disasters.
Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP)
Links to all the MEP sites and an interactive map of the sites. MEP is a national network of experts on America's small manufacturers that provides companies with services and public and private resources.
Business Formation Statistics
opportunity-zones talent-discovery career-pathways entrepreneurshipby U.S. CENSUS BUREAU
Timely and frequent snapshots of early-stage business activity, including business applications and formation at the state, regional and national level
Occupational Outlook Handbook
Provides information on what workers do; the work environment; education, training; pay; the job outlook; and more for 325 occupational profiles.
API & Developer Resources for Census Bureau Data
opportunity-zones talent-discovery career-pathways entrepreneurship rural-development transportation-emissionsby U.S. CENSUS BUREAU
Software developer resources for Census Bureau Data.