Curated Datasets
Discover issue-specific data recommended by government experts and test-driven by teams working to solve the nation’s biggest challenges.
Data for Local Policymakers Datasets
Economic, demographic, and geographic datasets to inform local policymaking and planning
30 datasets
Data Resources for Tribal & Rural Communities in the US Datasets
Demographic, geographic, and economic data for tribal and rural communities in the United States
11 datasets
Local Address Data in Puerto Rico Datasets
Geographic, demographic, and emergency response and preparedness data for Puerto Rico
10 datasets
Well-Being Indicators Datasets
Demographic, economic, and geographic data to inform national-level indicators of well-being
18 datasets
2020 Census Data Datasets
Datasets to help visualize 2020 Census data in new and creative ways
21 datasets
Federal COVID Spending Datasets
Economic, demographic, and geographic data on where and how money was dispersed during COVID-19
48 datasets
Natural & Built Environments Datasets
Datasets on the natural and built environment including: pollution, agriculture, transportation emissions, recycling, economic self-sufficiency, resources for refugees, rural economic development, and disaster spending.
104 datasets
Learn more about this project
Curated Datasets is a product of The Opportunity Project (TOP). TOP brings together the tech industry, government data, and communities through 12-week tech development sprints to create digital products using open data. Since 2016, TOP has catalyzed over 100 products that solve real world problems for Americans. In each sprint, TOP crowdsources suggested datasets and tips from data and subject matter experts across government. The data listed here reflects those expert recommendations, along with useful information on each, and an expert point of contact who can answer questions about the data. Use these insights to speed up data discovery and kick-start your own project!
The workforce data module is an evolution of the White House’s JobKit initiative, which compiled federal workforce data from 5 APIs to spur data-driven innovation for the American worker. We built on JobKit by incorporating insights from The Opportunity Project’s 2019 Sprint on Investing in the American Workforce in All Communities, in which workforce data experts from across government helped to curate a total of 57 data sets that are most useful for addressing 4 critical workforce challenges.