Datasets on the natural and built environment including: pollution, agriculture, transportation emissions, recycling, economic self-sufficiency, resources for refugees, rural economic development, and disaster spending.
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Ocean Plastics
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Transportation Emissions
Showing 104 datasets
USGS National Map
enabling-naip-databy U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY
Suite of products and services that provide access to base geospatial information to describe the landscape of the United States and its territories including boundaries, elevation, geographic names, hydrography, land cover, orthoimagery, structures, and transportation
Can Manufacturers Institute Statistics
recycled-materials recycled-materials-2by CAN MANUFACTURERS INSTITUTE
Annual historical data regarding domestic can shipments including detailed statistics, broken down by market, product, material used and technology.
Employment Data from Census by Geography
talent-discovery economic-self-sufficiencyby U.S. CENSUS BUREAU
Data on Industry and Occupation, Employers (public and private), Commuting, Labor Force Statistics, Work from Home, and more.
Aluminum Association Industry Statistics
recycled-materials recycled-materials-2by THE ALUMINUM ASSOCIATION
Annual and monthly reports with statistics and business information on the North American aluminum industry
HHS Wellness Programs
economic-self-sufficiencyby U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES
HHS offer resources to help you eat smart, exercise regularly, and get routine health screenings and vaccinations
Map of Commingled Residential MRFs in the United States
recycled-materials recycled-materials-2by THE RECYCLING PARTNERSHIP
Map of Commingled Residential MRFs nationwide, which are facilities that accept recyclables separated from trash and then brought in for processing as either single stream or dual stream materials to be sorted into individual commodities and sold to market
The Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW)
rural-developmentby U.S. BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS
A quarterly count of employment and wages reported by employers covering more than 95 percent of U.S. jobs, available at the county, MSA, state and national levels by industry, which can be used to identify emerging or declining clusters or industry sectors
disaster-spending improving-access-to-and-management-of-federal-grants increasing-government-accountability-by-connecting-federal-spending-and-performance-databy U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY
USA Spending tracks federal spending to ensure taxpayers can see how their money is being used in communities across America
Federal Geo-platform
enabling-naip-databy FEDERAL GEOGRAPHIC DATA COMMITTEE for geospatial data from a variety of federal agencies on topics including climate & weather, elevation, geology, land use and cover, utilities and others
EnviroAtlas Interactive Map
rural-development identifying-and-strengthening-civic-environmental-stewardshipby U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY
Provides geospatial data, easy-to-use tools, and other resources related to ecosystem services, their chemical and non-chemical stressors. Includes human health,environmental, geographic, climatic, cultural, and natural resource profiles, as well as information on assets (e.g., anchor institutions, access to nature amenities, new and emerging economic drivers)
Earth Challenge: Citizen Science Cloud: Plastics Page
ocean-plasticsby EARTH CHALLENGE
The Citizen Science Cloud is a place where anyone can share and access open, interoperable, citizen science data and related applications and leverages the power of GIS. On the CS Cloud, you can expect to find citizen science data on various focus areas including information on ocean plastics datasets.
There are mutiple links associated with this data set. Please refer to the list below:
[Citizen Science Cloud, Plastics Dataset Page](
U.S. Cluster Mapping Tool
rural-development talent-discoveryby U.S. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION
Provides over 50 million open data records on industry clusters and regional business environments in the U.S. to promote economic growth and national competitiveness
Picture of Subsidized Households
Basic demographic and program data on HUD assisted households
Computer and Internet Use
rural-developmentby U.S. CENSUS BUREAU
Types of Computers and Internet Subscriptions from American Community Survey 2014-2018 data
USGS National Map
rural-developmentby U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY
Suite of products and services that provide access to base geospatial information to describe the landscape of the United States and its territories including boundaries, elevation, geographic names, hydrography, land cover, orthoimagery, structures, and transportation
2018 FCC Broadband Deployment Report
rural-development bridging-the-digital-divideby U.S. CENSUS BUREAU
Annual report on whether advanced telecommunications capability “is being deployed to all Americans in a reasonable and timely fashion”
HUD EnVision Centers
The EnVision Center Demonstration supports the delivery of integrated services from philanthropic organizations, private industry, and all levels of government thereby increasing the opportunity for low-income families to achieve self-sufficiency through “one-stop” or “single-site” service centers
Rural Accessibility
Interactive map and graph showing access to intercity transportation in rural areas
Global Alert - Floating Trash
Online tool that increases interaction and connectivity to plastic pollution by allowing users to report, rate and map trash hot-spots in their waterways and coastlines via mobile devices and a web-based platform
Learning and Teaching about the Environment Web Resource
transportation-emissionsby U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY
Provides K-12 students and educators with access to quality homework resources, lesson plans and project ideas for learning and teaching about the environment
Recycling Market Development Platform
recycled-materials recycled-materials-2by MORE RECYCLING
Includes data and trends on plastic, glass, metal and fiber recycling, as well as links to tools that support the recycling value chain
Fair-Market Rent Data
economic-self-sufficiency opportunity-zonesby U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT
Rent estimates at the 50th percentile (or median) are calculated for all Fair Market Rent areas
National Emissions Inventory (NEI)
transportation-emissionsby U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY
Comprehensive and detailed estimate of air emissions of criteria pollutants, criteria precursors, and hazardous air pollutants from air emissions sources collected by State, Local, and Tribal air agencies and blended with other data sources
HHS Annual Performance Report
Provides information on HHS’s progress toward achieving the goals and objectives described in the HHS Strategic Plan and Annual Performance Plan
FEMA Annual Performance Report
The Department of Homeland Security's Performance and Accountability Reports provide information that enables the President, Congress and the public to assess the effectiveness of the Department's mission performance and stewardship of resources
American Community Survey APIs
opportunity-zones rural-developmentby U.S. CENSUS BUREAU
Resources for demographic information at the Census tract level.
ERS GIS Map Services and API
rural-developmentby U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE
Over 23 ERS geospatial map API services, each containing anywhere from 4 to 70 map layers. The majority of the services consist of national maps displaying data at the county-level.
National Environmental Public Health Tracking
transportation-emissionsby CENTER FOR DISEASE CONTROL
Local, state, and national level data and information on the environment, exposures, health effects and population characteristics
Glass Resource Locator
recycled-materials recycled-materials-2by GLASS PACKAGING INSTITUTE
Lists of companies that distribute and sell glass materials
National Environmental Public Health Tracking Network
rural-developmentby CENTER FOR DISEASE CONTROL
Local, state, and national level data and information on the environment, exposures, health effects and population characteristics
500 Cities: Local Data for Better Health, 2019 release
transportation-emissionsby CENTER FOR DISEASE CONTROL
City and census tract-level small area estimates for chronic disease risk factors, health outcomes, and clinical preventive service use for the largest 500 cities in the United States
Location of Energy Infrastructure
opportunity-zones rural-developmentby U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY
Includes data on energy infrastructure including power lines, power plants, coal mines, etc.
U.S. State and Local Waste and Materials Characterization Reports
recycled-materials recycled-materials-2by U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY
links to state and local waste characterization studies, including information on municipal solid waste (MSW) generation, recycling, combustion with energy recovery and landfilling
Atlas of Rural and Small-Town America
rural-development opportunity-zonesby U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE
County-level data on county type, remoteness, amenities, and other socioeconomic characteristics.
Poverty Estimates, Trends, and Analysis
economic-self-sufficiencyby U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES
Statistics on the 40 million persons, 12.3% of the total population, who live in poverty, including information on income, risk factors, etc.
Source Data: Marine Litter Watch
Provides a map of beach litter data collection events organised by MLW communities, as well as overview graphs and tables
Recycling Economic Information (REI) Report
recycled-materials recycled-materials-2by U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY
Data on the recycling industry workforce
HUD Services Data
Find Shelter location data from homepage: shelter, food pantry, health clinics and clothing
EPA Smart Location Database
Interactive maps and data for measuring location efficiency in terms of walkability and transit access
Freight Analysis Framework
transportation-emissionsby U.S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION
Comprehensive picture of freight movement among states and major metropolitan areas by all modes of transportation
American Community Survey Demographic Data
opportunity-zones rural-development helping-families-businesses-and-communities-respond-to-covid-19by U.S. CENSUS BUREAU
Tract-level data on household characteristics; industry and occupation, broken out by demographic characteristics of workers.
HUD Enterprise GIS
opportunity-zones economic-self-sufficiencyby U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT
Web services for data including HUD, USDA, and Census.
Air Pollutant Emissions Trends Data
transportation-emissionsby U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY
National and state-level trends for Tier 1 pollutant emission contributions among major source types from 1970 - 2019
Digital Nation Data Explorer
Data Explorer enables easy tracking of metrics about computer and Internet use over time. Simply choose a metric of interest from the drop-down menu. The default Map mode depicts percentages by state, while Chart mode allows metrics to be broken down by demographics and viewed as either percentages of the population or estimated numbers of people or households
EJSCREEN: Environmental Justice Screening and Mapping Tool
transportation-emissionsby U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY
Nationally consistent dataset and approach for combining environmental indicators including 6 measures of air quality with 6 demographic demographic indicators
Automotive Trends Data
transportation-emissionsby U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY
National data on CO2 emissions and fuel economy based on production volumes delivered for sale in the U.S. by model year, from 1975-2019
Reducing School Bus Idling: Clean Air Poster
transportation-emissionsby U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY
A poster from the EPA's Clean School Bus Program explaining how reducing idling results in cleaner air
Integrated Data: Marine Debris Monitoring and Assessment Project
ocean-plasticsby EARTH CHALLENGE
A cleaned, curated and integrated global plastics pollution dataset sourced from the National Atmospheric Administrations Marine Debris Monitoring and Assesment Project (MDMAP) accumulation report. This data is one of the three datasets used in the Earth Challenge 2020 Integrated Oceans Plastics Dataset.
There are mutiple links associated with this data set. Please refer to the list below:
Earth Challenge: Integrated Ocean Plastics Data
ocean-plasticsby EARTH CHALLENGE
A cleaned, curated and interoperable global plastics pollution dataset.The Earth Challenge team has combined all available data from the National Atmospheric Administrations Marine Debris Monitoring and Assesment Project (MDMAP) accumulation report, Ocean Convervancy's TIDES Coastal Clean Up data, and the European Environmental Agencies Marine Litter Watch (MLW) data sets. All datasets were mapped to a common schema and quality control methods were implemented for ease of re-use. Data was collected from 2015 -2018.
There are mutiple links associated with this data set. Please refer to the list below:
Coloring Book titled Carl Gets Some Rest
transportation-emissionsby U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY
For children in pre-school through 2nd grade, teaches a simple lesson – that there are many transportation alternatives to using a car
Recycling Demand Mapping in the Southeast
recycled-materials recycled-materials-2by SOUTHEAST RECYCLING DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL
Map of recycling opportunities in the Southeast United States
Idle-Free Schools Toolkit for a Healthy School Environment
transportation-emissionsby U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY
Information needed to run an effective idling reduction campaign at a school to reduce student exposure to toxic vehicle exhaust. This includes student-run science or community involvement projects, which offer students an opportunity to run a public service campaign while expanding their science and math skills
FindHello Resources
refugeesby USAHELLO
Resources for immigrants, refugees, and asylum seekers including immigration help, English classes, healthcare, and more curated by USAHello.
Source Data: TIDES Coastal Cleanup
ocean-plasticsby OCEAN CONSERVANCY
Public data system containing the world's largest ocean trash dataset, all collected by volunteers that allows viewers to see ocean trash data at a global scale or even zoom into their local beach. Easily download reports available for any country, state, region or location
U.S. Chronic Disease Indicators (CDI)
transportation-emissionsby CENTER FOR DISEASE CONTROL
124 indicators including asthma deaths and prevention that allow states, territories and large metropolitan areas to uniformly define, collect, and report chronic disease data
The Business of Chemistry By the Numbers
recycled-materials recycled-materials-2by AMERICAN CHEMISTRY COUNCIL
2019 report that includes financial performance, trade, capital investments in the chemistry industry
Aluminum Association Buyers' Guide
recycled-materials recycled-materials-2by THE ALUMINUM ASSOCIATION
A tool used to search for products, services, and vendors within the aluminum industry
Traffic Volume Trends
transportation-emissionsby U.S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION
Monthly data based on hourly traffic count data reported by States, collected at approximately 5,000 continuous traffic counting locations
Earth Challenge: Top 10 Most Common Plastics By Country Data
ocean-plasticsby EARTH CHALLENGE
Top 10 Most Common Plastics found by county sourced from the Earth Challenge 2020 Interoperable Oceans Plastics Data. The Earth Challenge 2020 team has combined all available data from the National Atmospheric Administrations Marine Debris Monitoring and Assesment Project (MDMAP) accumulation report, Ocean Convervancy's TIDES Coastal Clean Up data, and the European Environmental Agencies Marine Litter Watch (MLW) data sets. This has been further cleaned to categorize the top 10 most common plastics found by country. Data was collected from 2015 -2018.
There are mutiple links associated with this data set. Please refer to the list below:
[Meta Data Dictionary](
National Port Strategy Assessment: Reducing Air Pollution and Greenhouse Gases at U.S. Ports
transportation-emissionsby U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY
National scale assessment to examine current and future emissions from a variety of diesel sources operating in port areas, explore a range of available strategies to reduce emissions, provide an assessment tool, and inform priorities and decisions for port areas
HUD Community Assessment Reporting Tool (CART)
Reference tool designed to display HUD's investments in communities across the United States. Search by City, County, Metropolitan Area or State
Facts and Figures about Materials, Waste and Recycling
recycled-materials recycled-materials-2by U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY
Annual data on national waste generation and recycling rates for the overall municipal solid waste stream and for a number of specific materials. Most recent year is 2017
American Housing Survey
The most comprehensive national housing survey in the United States since its inception in 1973, providing annual information on the size, composition, and quality of the nation’s housing and measuring changes in our housing stock as it ages
Plastics Data
recycled-materials recycled-materials-2by PLASTICS INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION
Industry data including global trends, plastics quarterly forecasts, monthly plastics production and capacity utilization statistics
Fixed Broadband Deployment Map
This application provides a visualization of the residential fixed broadband deployment data collected on FCC Form 477
Natural resources datasets
rural-developmentby U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE
Federal Statistical and Resource Agencies along with universities produce a wide range of geospatial datasets characterizing the nation’s natural resources. Major data set themes include soils, water, climate, energy, and crop and forest production
COVID-19: Resources for Tracking Federal Spending
Provides selected sources for tracking COVID-19 relief funding provided through congressional bills
NAIP public image service
enabling-naip-databy U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE
Imagery data from the agricultural growing seasons. Includes ArcGIS Rest Services URL for the public facing, most current year 1-meter or higher resolution 4-band NAIP cached image services for the lower 48 states. The service is served out as pre-rendered tiles with 18 levels of detail which is equivalent to about 1.19 meters resolution at the largest scale
Treasury ZIP Code Statistics of Income
economic-self-sufficiency opportunity-zonesby INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE
ZIP Code data on selected income and tax statistics by State, ZIP Code, and size of adjusted gross income. Can be mapped to census tracts
AirNow API for Developers
transportation-emissionsby U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY
Current and forecast air quality maps and data for more than 500 cities across the U.S. with U.S. Air Quality Index (AQI), available through API
transportation-emissionsby OPENDATAPHILLY
Philadelphia local transportation data, including on walkability scores, bike networks, airport runways, traffic counts, air monitoring stations, etc.
Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Qualified Census Tracts
economic-self-sufficiency opportunity-zonesby U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT
These tracts must have 50% of households with incomes below 60% of the Area Median Gross Income or have a poverty rate of 25% or more
The Magic School Bus Gets Cleaned Up
transportation-emissionsby U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY
EPA, in collaboration with Scholastic, has created a new book, "The Magic School Bus Gets Cleaned Up," which teaches readers about pollution emitted from diesel school buses as well as ways to reduce emissions health risks.
Earth Challenge 2020 Plastics Mobile Widget Data
ocean-plasticsby EARTH CHALLENGE
Data from Earth Challenge 2020 Plastics mobile widget. Allows anyone to take a picture of plastic pollution anywhere its found wherever they are in the world.
There are mutiple links associated with this data set. Please refer to the list below:
Ports Primer for Communities: An Overview of Ports Planning and Operations to Support Community Participation
transportation-emissionsby U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY
Information on the role of ports, how ports can impact local land use, economic trends, air quality and other aspects of the enivonment and quality of life
Annual Mineral Commodity Summaries
recycled-materials recycled-materials-2by U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY
Manufacturing industry data on the use of virgin (primary) and recycled (secondary) materials in the U.S. for several dozen minerals published anually as far back as 1996
Glass Recycling: End Markets, MRFs, and Drop-off Facilities
recycled-materials recycled-materials-2by GLASS RECYCLING COALITION
Allows users to search by location to find the nearest material recovery facility (MRF), glass processor, end-market or large city drop-off locations that accept glass
Asthma Surveillance Data
transportation-emissionsby CENTER FOR DISEASE CONTROL
Collection of asthma data at both the national and the state level
USDA Rural Development Innovation Center Data
rural-developmentby U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE
The Rural Development Innovation Center applies cutting-edge techniques to provide innovative products and services to its rural customers. The Center's website offers tools and resources about best practices for rural economic development
Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Database
May be used to locate rental housing supported by the LIHTC and having the applicable program rent and income restrictions
Buyers and Sellers Information
recycled-materials recycled-materials-2by ASSOCIATION OF PLASTIC RECYCLERS
Complete directory of materials that Association of Plastic Recyclers (ARP) Members purchase and sell, as well as services (grinding, densifying, washing, pelletizing, compounding and solid stating) provided by APR members
Local Area Transportation Characteristics for Households Data
transportation-emissionsby U.S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION
Estimates of average weekday household person trips, vehicle trips, person miles traveled, and vehicle miles traveled (per day), for all Census tracts for the year 2017
County Business Patterns
opportunity-zones talent-discovery career-pathways entrepreneurship economic-self-sufficiencyby U.S. CENSUS BUREAU
Annual data on employer businesses (e.g., no. of businesses, employment, payroll) at the state, county, metro area, and ZIP Code levels by industry.
Environmental Benefits Mapping and Analysis Program - Community Edition (BenMAP-CE)
transportation-emissionsby U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY
Software that estimates the health impacts and economic value of changes in air quality (specifically ground level ozone and fine particles)
Steel Industry Data
recycled-materials recycled-materials-2by STEEL MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION
Monthly and annual shipment and production data on the national steel industry
Broadband USA
The National Telecommunications and Information Administration’s (NTIA) BroadbandUSA program promotes innovation and economic growth by supporting efforts to expand broadband access and meaningful use across America
Stats America
Data items for any state, metro, micro, district or county in the nation, including Opportunity Zones, detailed demographic information, innovation capacity etc
Types of Internet Subscriptions
rural-developmentby U.S. CENSUS BUREAU
Types of Internet Subscriptions by Selected Characteristics from American Community Survey 2014-2018 data
transportation-emissionsby U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY
Current and forecast air quality maps and data for more than 500 cities across the U.S. available through map view showing U.S. Air Quality Index (AQI), a color-coded index designed to communicate whether air quality is healthy or unhealthy for you
Earth Challenge: Open Data Documentation
ocean-plasticsby EARTH CHALLENGE
Earth Challenge is a global citizen science effort. Earth Challenge spans over 6 research topics and offers APIs to source data and curated Interoperable through the Kinetica platform.
CDC Health Data (WONDER)
transportation-emissionsby CENTER FOR DISEASE CONTROL
Nearly 20 collections of public-use data for topics including U.S. births, deaths, environmental exposures, and population estimates primarily on compiled annually, as granular as county-level
Measuring the State of Disaster Philanthropy
Effort to establish baseline data, aggregate multiple data streams, and track disaster giving by philanthropists, government agencies, and NGOs from 2013 to 2017, segmented by disaster type
Open Energy Information
rural-development entrepreneurshipby U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY
Open energy datasets coming from the US Department of Energy and its national laboratories
Monthly Industry Indicators
rural-development entrepreneurshipby U.S. CENSUS BUREAU
Monthly indicators including manufacturing shipments and inventory, construction spending, retail inventories, rental vacany rates, etc.
Recommendations for Constructing Roadside Vegetation Barriers to Improve Near road Air quality
transportation-emissionsby U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY
Summarizes research findings on best practices for building roadside vegetative barriers to improve air quality
Source Data: Marine Debris Monitoring and Assessment Project
Shoreline marine debris surveys completed by partner organizations and volunteers from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Marine Debris Monitoring and Assessment Program (MDMAP), this data follows strict Q/A Q/C protocols including transect monitoring.
HUD Data Portal
Information on median family incomes and income limits for HUD programs, as well as microdata from research initiatives on topics such as housing discrimination, the HUD-insured multifamily housing stock, and the public housing population
Our World In Data
ocean-plasticsby OUR WORLD IN DATA
Collection of plastics pollution data, including decomposition rates of marine debris items, global river plastic input to the ocean by region, plastic waste generated by coastal populations etc.
Form 477 Data
Data on facilities-based broadband providers who are required to file data with the FCC twice a year (Form 477) on where they offer Internet access service at speeds exceeding 200 kbps in at least one direction
Green Vehicle Guide
Gives information about the environmental performance of light-duty vehicles using 0-10 emissions score and the fuel economy numbers to compare environmental performance across vehicle classes
API & Developer Resources for Census Bureau Data
opportunity-zones talent-discovery career-pathways entrepreneurship rural-development transportation-emissionsby U.S. CENSUS BUREAU
Software developer resources for Census Bureau Data.